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Thursday, February 07, 2008


its been so long since ii last blog lahhs !
and manii manii tings happen too ! =(
dunchh wish tuhh sae so muchh oso lahhs. ;
just hope things are fine now ! hahas! =X
todae went furr hair extention ! yay ~ like finally
but ii dint put enough lahhs. =( rawrrrr.
and now ii look kind of weird lor ! wth cann .
ii think ii wanna go back and extend more ! hahas
but ii think cash cash cash !! =( so fann lor.
mine hair ishhx like fucking thin and funny
and it cause miie 28 llerhhs. wth ! hahas. so weird
ltr hubby see llerhhs ; comfirm will shock derhh!

hubby hubby ! why are we like drifting now ?
ii dunchh wann this kind of feeling ! =( ii dunnchh like
ii wanna be close tuhh euu like last time ! =X
perhaps maybe the fault lies with miie bahhs.
maybe ii dunnchh give euu muchh concern aniimroe! =(
but no matter what , ii still love you derhhs. =X
hubby cann we let the feeling go back tuh the past ?
ii realii miss the past us! =( iloveyou hubby ~

tml gort tuhh bai nian ! omg lahhs. siianx siia
and the pimples on mine nose! =( wth lahhs.
rawrrrrrr. ii gort no comment on it lahhs! all mine fault
whuu ask miie , go laugh at ppl ! =( sad siia
ii better learn mine mistake this time llehrhs.!
think ii going slp llehrhs. niitex hubby !
iloveyou and iloveyou always. this ii promise euu ~

1:15 AM

Friday, February 01, 2008

perhaps ii am too tired furr everything
thats why ii chose tuhh let go !

todae meet baby a while only !! =(( sad sad siia.
this silly hubby fainted at city hall !! =(
ii hear llerhhs ; so worried furr him lor !
but ii dint show mine concern out furr him
cause that time ii quarrel with mummy ;
dunnchh wann vent mine anger on him ! .
hubby ; i'm sorry okiies ! =X duii bu qii *
euu must faster recover derhhs okiies ?
and drink more water too ! =x hugs hugs *
hubby ; todae ii so worried furr euu lor ! =(
next time if cann dunnchh sick ,
better dunchh sick okiies ? rawrrr! heng scary =(

after hubby went home , went tuhh meet didi! !
went bugis street ! denn walk walk walk ,
omgx ! ii swear miie and didi damm tiao lahhs !
we walk ard the whole bugis street and guess what ?
we dint even see anii clothes we like lor ? hahas wth
and the whole few hrs , our hand was empty ! lols =X
until slowly we walk again ; denn ii bought mine stuff
and didi oso bought hers. lols ! so funny siia.
denn head down tuhh peni tuhh look furr skinnies. !
saw mingwei the asshole at city hall mrt ! hahas.
went with him and his frenx tuhh peni there. rawrrrrr. !
denn didi went tuhh try her skinnies. so the CMI lahhs.
hahas end up we dint buy lor !!! =( so tiao derhhs didi !
after head down tuhh tiong tuhh meet lynn and etc
and idiot was there oso lor ! omg lahhs ! =X hehes.

denn they gort some stupid taiji siia ! so lols. eee....!
ii seriously so hate the fcking bitch lahhs ! fk her siia
she think she so damm the good ahs ! pui* siia.
anyhow teach ppl bad still wann xialan ! wth lor !
after we head down tuhh great world there slack slack *
denn after go home liao ! hehes. rawrrrrrr. tired siia ! =(
tml meeting didi again go buy clothes ! =X hehes
hope cann get some clothes tml bahhs ! niitex ! ~

hubby ; pls get well soon ! =(
ii dunnchh wanna see euu sick sick derhhs
cause sick = sleep ! rawrrrrrr. ! which means ......
hubby will ignore miie ! II DUNNCHH WANN ! =(
hubby ; hurry get well okiies ! ><>
give euu magic power * @#$%^&*(*#$%^&*
hubby ; iloveyou and iimissyou ! x33333

i chose tuhh give up this battle !

11:54 PM

Monday, January 28, 2008

todae :(

hubby ; i'm sorry if ii spoil your mood todae ! =(
the ans euu wann , ii cann give euu llerhhs !
dunchh niid 1 month ltr ya . mine choice ishhx EUU !
ii decided tuhh fan qi kelvin llerhhs. and ii will !
dunnchh think too muchh llehrhs okiies ? : ))
euu said euu cried in school todea ? i'm sorry ! =(
ii realii didnt mean tuhh make euu tears ! haiis.
ii am such a failure stead ; duii bu qii furr everything !
and hubby ; those words are nort furr euu !
those red words are furr kelvin derhhs. yupps !
sorriie if euu misunderstand everything ! i'm sorry !

words do hurts ; and tears do drop ;
but no matter what happen ; ii would still love you ~

ytd ii spent the whole damm niitex thinking abt everything
cause ii dunnchh wanna drag on and hurt anyone ! =(
but end up , hurt was given tuhh hubby too ! i'm sorry !
hubby ; cann euu pls dunnchh give up on miie ?
ii realii niid euu in moii life ! now and forever ~
ii realii cann wei le euu give up everything ! cause iloveyou .
wo zhi dao zhe gan jue bu dui ; dan wo zai nu li de wan hui
ni neng gay wo duo yi ci ji hui ma ? duii bu qii ; si wo bu pei ni =(
everything ishhx mine fault ; ii feel so guilty and sad now !
cause ii was the 1 that ruined the whole thing ! hais.

hubby ; i'm sorry ii make euu tears ! when euu told miie euu cried ,
ii cried too ! haiis. perhaps all this are making euu veri xin ku now
but hubby ; cann euu pls hold on furr a while more ?
cause ii am clearing up all the mess that ii created ! =(
the problem between miie , kelvin and euu has been solved !
when he come out , he wont contact miie and ii wont contact
perhaps we might be frenx ? or perhaps we might become stranger
ii dunnchh deny ii once verii love him and no one cann replace him
but hubby , now euu already replaced him ! its true .
cann euu pls trust miie ? ii only love you 1 person ! ...
and ii wanna be your mrs tan ! =( hubby ; wo hao ai hao ai ni
kelvin thing cann we just put aside ? haiis ! hubby ;
ii realii dunnchh wann because of this affect our relationship ! =(
and ii dunnchh wanna have anii cold war with euu ! haiis.
iloveyouforever* hubby ; this ii promise euu ! : )

the person that cann make miie tears furr him
ishhx someone that left a great impact in miie =(

11:33 PM

Sunday, January 27, 2008

hubby ; i'm sorry furr everything !
its mine fault furr making things worse again

todae ahkid msg miie ! ask miie and kelvin the thing !
ii told him tuhh tell kelvin that he come out ;
dunnchh niid contact miie llerhhs. just move on!
denn stupid ahkid bu yao help miie sae lor ! =(
he down there keep sae miie ; sae what ii heng heartless
ii noe miie and kelvin gort 2 years the promise ,
but denn ... haiis ! ii gort nothing tuhh sae oso
kelvin june coming out llerhhs ; denn by that time
if ii am still with mine this stead , what am ii suppose tuh do
dump him away and go back tuhh kelvin side marhhs ?
ii cannot do that ; cause ii am so in love with my stead now !
and ii have already make a choice llerhhs. ! =X
that ishhx tuhh let go kelvin and follow mine this stead !yupps.
hubby ; ii reali hope euu wont mind about all this okiies !
and dunnchh think so muchh llerhhs. cause iloveyou ~

i'm sorry ii gort so affected after hearing his name
but ii promise ; ii will clear all this soon ! i'm sorry

wo meng de gu shi yi jing jie shu le
peng you bian qing ren zai bian peng you
ke neng shi wo men zui hao de xuan zhe
duii bu qii ; wo yu zai fang shou le
find yourself another girl bahhs !
perhaps she treat euu better denn ii do
at least ; she wont hurt euu like how ii did
i'm sorry if ii broke mine promise towards euu
euu are someone that ii wont forget in moii life
cause euu left a great impact in moii heart ;
and that no matter what , ii wont forget derhhs
thanks furr standing by miie ,whenever i'm sad
and always try your best tuhh cheer miie up
and make miie smile ! =X realii thanks alot !
boii ; euu are the greatest gift that ii ever had !
but somehow all this have tuhh end .
wo meng hai shi mei zhou dao zui hou
ke neng wo meng de gu shi zheng de jie shu le
duii bu qii ; wo hai shi xuan zhe le li kai ni

hubby ; ii wanna tell euu , dunnch push miie away cann
cause ii am so so in love with euu ! =)
though sometimes your word dissapoint miie ,
and make miie tears furr euu ; but no matter what ,
ii will still stick on tuhh euu and nebber let euu go
i'm sorry if tihs matter do affect euu ! =(
cheer up hubby ; and dunnchh think so muchh llerhhs
smile like how euu use tuhh okiies ? promise miie ?
i'm sorry if this post ishhx to naggy and long !
but ii just wanna clear everything ! sorry okiies.
hubby ; wo heng ai heng ai ni ! iloveyouforever *

11:29 PM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

todae : )

todae woke up quite early. hahas! cause ii slept early ytd ?
hehes. ii am a goodgirl right ? hubby ? hahas. ><
wash up ; denn sat down and watch some vcd or something.
omg lahhs ! ii think ii am addicted tuhh the show llerhhs
denn denn ii was msging hubby oso. hahas! he so paikia.
go play cards with frenx during school hours. haiiyoo ! ><
somemore still sae he guai ; omg lahhs , ii go bang wall better ! hahas
denn hubby came and meet miie ! wee ~ ii heng happiie siia.
cause hubby bought kinder bueno furr miie ! muacks laogong *
and plus plus he buy 3 furr miie leiis ? wahhs ltr ii eat llrehhs fat
and oso alot of pimples come out ? omg ! =( ii no face see ppl lahhs !

and i'm bueno-ing now ! NO DISTURB PLS !!!!!!!!!!!

hubby ii just wanna be someone special in your heart
whuu will always be there with euu
and wipe away the tears that euu drop
because ii lurbb euu shhoo muchh
and ii just dunn wanna let go anymore
cause in moii heart,euu are like the whole world furr miie
loving euu ; ishhx the greatest thing that ii ever had
in moii life. hubby ; iiloveyouforever * ! =X

I guess I was weak and couldn't even hide it
and so I surrender just to hear your voice

10:59 PM

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


ii dunnoe why things went wrong again ! =(
ii admit shi wo pei bu shang ni ! duii bu qii.
hubby euu are nort pathetic at all ;
euu are just so so important tuhh miie euu noe ?
before ii met you ; ii nebber noe what it was like
to look at someone and smile furr no reason .
hubby ii reali reali love you ; euu are moii everything
ii can afford tuhh lose everything ; but nort euu
hubby ; i'm willingly tuhh go through anything with euu
if euu heng xin ku , let miie share your burden with euu
ii just wanna see a smile on your face thats all .
cause its your smile that keep miie going all this while
we been together furr 1 month plus ; though its short
but ii truly love you. ii am just so crazy over you .

no matter what happen , i'm nort going tuhh let go
ii promise ii will hold euu tight and love you ;
hubby ; pls cheer up and be happie again cann ?
i'm sorry furr those nonsense ii gave. =(
ii just love you ; mine devil fish ! <3333333333333

ii tried tuhh control mine tears ;
but in the end , ii broke down and cry
i'm sorry ; ii just couldnt be that strong
hubby ; iloveyou ~

11:50 PM

hubby ; ii noe todae ii make euu angry a few time! =(
sorry okiies. ii reali dunnchh mean it derhhs. haiis!
just now the maple thing ishhx ii bluff euu derhhs ! -.-
ii dint log on tuhh maple ytd ! and ii dint noe anii guys ya
all ii make up derhhs. cause ii wann see your reaction ;
sorry sorry worx . ! ii noe its moii fault ; ii noe moii mistake llerhhs
ii noe all this thing nort funny at all ! rawrrr. sorry! =(
forgive miie cann cann cann ? sorry sorry sorry laogong!
ii just wanted tuhh noe how muchh ii mean tuhh euu !
haiis. ii noe its stupid! but still ..... haiis sorry!
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ; sorry hubby ;
forgive miie cann laogong! ii realii dunnchh wan anii cold war ! =(
perhaps euu are disappointed in miie. but trust miie on this ;
other denn euu , ii dint talk tuhh anii guys behing your back.
and ii break off all contacts with them. laogong this ishhx true ;
iloveyou only. and forever ii will only love you 1 person. =X
wo zhi dao yi qie shi wo bu dui
ni hui yuan liang wo ma ?
dui bu qi ; wo hu lie le ni de gan shou

7:02 PM

Monday, January 21, 2008

190108 : )

sat went out with hubby tuhh marina there walk walk!
hahas. denn ii suddenly feel heng tired. so so so ....
we went back home ! and guess what ? ii gort scolded lahhs!
the stupid bitch come scold miie ! fk siia. she gort no right lor
ii dint kan back because of moii mother at home only siia!
if nort ii think , hubby and miie will scold her until she die ! hahs
lols. ii think nort so serious bahhs! rawrrrrrr.! =X
after went out tuhh meet idiot and etc at bugis! hohohoho ;
they heng bad lor ; go disturb miie! sae moii scorpion becom small!
and ii become FAT liao . OMG ! ii reali gort so fat merhhs ? =(
fast forward * ------------------------------------>
after ii told idiot abt some stuff . and she sibei hot lahhs! hahas
so funny lahhs. cause hubby noe what ii talking abt horx ? lols
denn after they call steph down and settle some stupid thing!

ii dunnchh wanna sae muchh too. ii just think perhaps she deserve it!
yes maybe manii see her kelian lahhs. but whuu ask her so guailan!
guailan miie ; the consequences ishhx like this derhhs ! lols. joking ! =X
but ii still wann thanks idiot they all furr helping miie. hehes! thanks thanks
ii still love them the most! and nort forgetting moii hubby oso ! hehes.
ehs ii forget what happen on that dae liao! zzz. sorry arhhs hubby !

todae : )

meet baby at abt 12 plus. denn we walk tuhh chinatown! hehes
and we da bao kfc back home tuhh eat. ii realii pity baby lahhs!
cause he gort tuhh carry everything himself! omg ! =X
and ii swear the weather was so fucking hot ! idiot sun ! ~
reach home ; on tv and on fan . but ii was still so hot lahhs. zzz
and denn eat moii food. zzz! baby disturb miie! ii wont forget derhhs .
after finish! hubby became naughty naughty ! ahem ahem *
and denn ! fast forward * -------------------------------------------->
denn after miie and baby spar spar. omg lahhs!! =(
ii think moii skills drop alot cann ! poor miie siia.!
ii think ii must go train back liao! if nort ii will lose face lahhs! =(
thanks and sorry baby! ii hope euu are fine! hehes =X
ii reali love moii hubby alot alot lahhs! he's so cute! : ) muacks

hehes. miie and baby down there keep try all the diff move lor
and baby heng fierce leiis. omg! dunnchh play play arhhs.! hahas
now ii wont even look down on hubby llehrhs. ! rawrrrrrr.
yuan lai hubby hui fight derhhs. must train him more more! =X
denn next time ii gort taiji ; cann call hubby down! hehes.
people 4th rank leiis ? horx precious laogong ?
opps. ii think someone read llerhhs sure down there bei qi si horx ?
bleahhs bleahhs bleahhs bleahhs bleahhs! wo ai ni laogong! ~

although todae just meet baby only! but ii still miss him.
haiis. hope ii cann hug him slp lor ! rawrrrrrrrr.
but nvm! at least ii gort tigger tuhh pei miie! nort so bad!
nort like hubby, dunnchh even have anything. hahas! =X
stupid laogong! stupid laogong! idiot hubby; idiot hubby;
ii love you so muchh ! and ii wanna be with euu forever.
ii will use moii whole heart tuhh love euu . this ii promise euu *

9:19 PM

She Wants ♥

[x] 1st month anniversary ;
[x] new phone w910i ;
[x] more tops ;
[x] more cash ;
[x] grow taller ;
[x] more heels ;
[x] hair rebonding ;
[x] dye hair again ;
[x] more tigger stuff ;
[x] pink skinnies ;
[x] laptop ;
[x] new bag ;
[x] more cosmetic ;
[x] last long with hubby ;
[x] stay with him forever ;

The girl ♥

xiia0sherlyn aka xiia0meiimeii ♥
september baby ♥
sweetly attached ♥

I Love My Hubby
boii ; ii just wanna be your girl ♥
The story started on ; 13/12/2007 ♥


stephanie phua
jie shi
bao hui
siao wei
ting ting
yu shan
pris wong.


June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
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November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
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December 2007
January 2008
February 2008

talking time !